par Alexandre Stevens et Dominique Holvoet | le 15 janvier 2012 | revue Numéro 1 | thème Éditorial
With the creation of The Institute of Child and the release of the first number of the Petite Girafe’s collection, psychoanalysis from the lacanian orientation in institutions is blooming !
The Courtil, an institution founded 30 years ago based on the fundamentals of the teaching of Jacques Lacan, begins a new adventure with Courtil en LigneS, the publication of an online monthly review !
Every month, the review is composed of seven columns along with editorial or open space. To start, a clinical column will always include several articles from associates of RI3 and colleagues from AMP, highlighting the demonstration by the case. For this inaugural issue, Courtil en LigneS interviewed Daniel Roy, for its column « Rencontre », so that he can tell us about the brand new Institute of Child. Courtil en LigneS resolutely adopts an editorial line open to the world with « Regard », to put emphasis on a movie, an exhibition, a concert, a play, without forgetting lectures which caught our attention, that you will find in our « Marque-Page ». In each publication, there will be two articles in English for our studies to be known beyond the French speaking borders. In brief, a vivid tool closest to the psychoanalytic actuality for all those orienting their institutional practice, or not, from the teaching of Lacan. Jacques-Alain Miller was in Lille last November 20th and we are publishing a summary of this great event in this first issue in « Epinglage du mois. » To subscribers, we will progressively offer access to the archives of the Feuillets du Courtil, from the first issue dating of 1989.
One needs to see Courtil en LigneS as a new and reactive tool, being able to bounce back on the event as the analyst on the unconscious. This will be our « Instant de voir » but also our « time to comprehend » with further studies of pure psychoanalysis which constitute the guideline of our clinic.
Translation : Tracy Favre